Monday 16 April 2012

* Complete Guide for OiLy Skin *

What Causes Oily Skin?

The simple answers are heredity, hormonal changes or shifts, stress, lifestyle, certain foods, and improper care of your skin. All of these are potential causes of skin that is riddled with blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps, and overall oily, shiny skin.
The good news is that there is a lot you can do to take control of your oily skin!
Simple Dietary Changes - Natural Home Remedies for Oily Skin
Are there foods you should stay away from or foods you should add to your daily dietary regimen? Research indicates that some foods tend to cause skin to produce more oil whereas other foods seem to inhibit the production of oil and help keep the skin more balanced.
Foods Good for Oily Skin
  • Whole fruits and vegetables
  • Foods high in zinc - potatoes, walnuts, asparagus, celery, toasted wheat germ, eggplant, peanuts, dark cocoa and dark chocolate, lean cuts of roast beef, and oysters
  • Drink lots of water daily - at least 64 oz per day
  • Vitamin B2 packed foods - spinach, milk, cheese, royal jelly, tomatoes, veal, lean beef tenderloin, lamb, yogurt, avocados, buckwheat, mushrooms, soybeans, tempeh, broccoli, green beans, eggs, whole grains, squash, and turnips to name a few
  • Essential fatty acids - foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids are great for promoting healthy, non-oily skin. Good sources include cold-pressed canola oil, flax seed, salmon, and walnuts.
Foods to Avoid if You Have Oily Skin
  • Coffee, soda, or other beverages with caffeine
  • Eat only healthy fats such as coconut oil, olive oil, or cold-pressed canola oil ... avoid hydrogenated oils
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages
  • No pork
  • No processed foods or foods high in salt and fat
  • No processed sugar
  • No fast food
  • No milk chocolate
Home Remedies for Oily Skin - Using Ingredients in the Pantry or Refrigerator
You can manage oily skin by eating a healthy balanced diet, but you must also treat your skin right on the outside by cleansing it and moisturizing it properly every day.
These are some treatments for oily skin that could be just what you've been looking for to control your breakouts and shine.
  1. Mix together 1:1 ratio of water and lemon juice - spread over the face evenly, let it dry completely, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water and then again with cool water. Do this once or twice a day - morning and night works well if you wear makeup through the day.
  2. Oatmeal paste - mix together plain oatmeal and lemon juice; add a bit of olive oil so it can be spread over the skin evenly. Heat up the mixture just until it's warm to the touch and apply it to the face. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse completely clean with warm water.
  3. Spot treat oily areas with tea tree oil - dab a few drops of pure tea tree oil on blemishes several times per day.
  4. Aloe Vera - spot treat blemishes and acne prone facial areas by dabbing a bit of aloe Vera onto the skin and let it dry.
  5. Mud mask - mix up a mud mask using equal amounts of raw honey and green clay powder. Apply evenly to your face, carefully avoiding the tender eye area, and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. This can be applied two or three times weekly.
  6. Rinsing your face with clean cool water during the day is a great way to keep oil from producing on the skin.
  7. Sandal wood paste - mix together a one-to-one ratio of rose water and sandal wood powder. Smooth over your skin, let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  8. Avoid touching your face - you'll add germs and dirt to the skin without realizing it.
  9. Go without makeup whenever possible or wear only water-based, natural makeup.
Oily Skin Requires a Special Touch
Anyone who struggles with shiny oily skin understands that it takes a special touch to keep it from getting out of hand. The pH balance of the skin must be kept even or else you can experience excess oil production, which in turn makes your skin appear shiny and unclean.
How can you keep your skin in balance? Proper cleansing and moisturizing of the skin is very important to keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy.
Cleansing Oily Skin
One of the best home remedies for oily skin is to cleanse it properly with a water-based cleanser at least twice daily. Always make sure the cleanser is rinsed completely away before patting the skin dry with a clean washcloth.
On the flip side, you don't want to wash your skin too much or else it could become dried out and ironically, your skin would then begin to produce even more oil because the body naturally wants to try and moisturize the dry skin.

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